Australian Document Verification Service application
Visit the application page here:
Apply as a Business User
Select Yes/No for overseas based business operations
Note, if your organisation has operations based overseas you will not be able to progress further.
Select the country you operate in
Provide company details in the appropriate fields
Under ANZSIC division, choose the appropriate option
Real estate is Rental, Hiring and Real Estate Services
Law and accounting are Professional, Scientific and Technical Services
Financial services are Financial and Insurance Services
Under ANZSIC class, choose the appropriate option
Real estate is ANZSIC class 6720
Law is ANZSIC class 6931
Accounting is ANZSIC class 6932
Choose from several Finance classes
Provide your business address
Provide your details
Select passports and driver licences for Document Types
Estimate roughly how many Australian docs you would check per year
Select Cloudcheck (Verifi ID Services) as your Gateway Provider
Tick the boxes that you agree
Submit the application
It will take around 7 working days for your application to be processed and approved.