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Customer Due Diligence FAQs
Customer Due Diligence FAQs

See the most common CDD questions and their answers here.

How to do CDD when your client is a charity
AML/CFT Glossary of Terms
Who do I need to complete CDD on?
How do I onboard an individual (natural person) client?
What is a beneficial owner?
What is an effective control / an effective controller?
What is a PEP?
What do I do if my client doesn't have any identity documents?
What documents can I use to verify an individual client/natural person's name and date of birth?
Can I accept a scanned copy of a certified identity document by email for CDD purposes?
What should I do if a client has changed their surname?
How do I verify the address of my client?
If a client has a Power of Attorney and only the POA will be signing the listing agreement, do I only need to complete CDD on the POA?
Must a PEP check be run on everyone?
My client is a PEP, what do I do?
Who do I need to complete CDD on when listing a deceased owner's estate?
When a person dies, is a copy of their Will sufficient, or do I need to obtain a copy of probate?
What information do I need to collect for Enhanced CDD?
When should I do Enhanced CDD or conduct source of funds/wealth verification?
What is the difference between source of wealth and source of funds?
I have to refund a deposit to a buyer; does this trigger any CDD requirements?
Which countries are considered high-risk?
When do I need to do CDD?
Is commercial leasing captured under the AML/CFT Act?
Who can certify CDD documents?
Who can verify CDD documents?
What should I do when I am selling an estate property and my agency is with Public Trust?
Do we need to do CDD each time we encounter the same professional trustee on our trust clients, or can we reuse the CDD information?
How do I onboard a new trust client?
How do I verify the address of a trust?
What pages of a trust deed do I need to collect?